7 October 2021 by Susan Ibach
Gallup has released a new report commissioned by Amazon Future Engineer entitled “Developing Careers of the Future: A Study of Student Access to, and Interest in, Computer Science.”
The study asked more than 4,000 U.S. students in grades 5 through 12 about their interest in, and engagement with, computer science, both inside and outside of the classroom. The study addresses their perceived access to computer science learning opportunities; how positively they view those opportunities; and the extent to which they engage with influential people in their lives — including their role models, peers and parents — regarding computer science education.
The report’s findings offer new insights for educators who seek to help students from all backgrounds obtain the resources and skills to build their best futures. The findings explore how students’ experiences with computer science can lead to better outcomes, and influence their plans to pursue the subject in their future studies.
Read more about the research and download the report from Gallup
Posted in NewsTagged Amazon Future Engineer, computer science, Data, Gallup, survey